How To Radically 
Feel Better
(And Boost Your Fertility)

…without ever being told to “just relax!”

Overwhelmed? Anxious? Tired of feeling empty, defeated, sad, angry, helpless and out of control of your life and emotions? You are in the right place!

Sign up for this free, on-demand training and learn how to gain control of your life and your fertility no matter what life throws at you!

Here Is What You Will Learn:

Secret #1

How to Use Your Mind To Feel Better quickly

This secret will show you how you have WAY more control over your mind than you thought possible to take back control.

I’ve even included a free powerful demonstration that will give you relief instantly.

Secret #2

The three things That will Transform your Mental and Emotional Health Easily

This secret will show you the 3 things to focus on that make the biggest difference to your well-being and fertility journey.

To not just ‘cope’ transform how you feel consistently.

Secret #3

My secret Weapons to Helping my Clients Feel Better (and conceive) FASTER

Learn my secret weapons that significantly impact my clients both mentally and emotionally and on their fertility outcomes.

And why they are so effective!

Hey there!  I’m Bella and I’m about to be your biggest advocate and teach you some pretty cool things.

I’ll admit it. When other coaches think being traumatised by the infertility journey for life is normal and okay, I quietly exit the conversation.

Not because the infertility journey isn’t seriously stressful, traumatic and downright debilitating at times…

…but because I think we are selling people short of what is possible and what they are truly capable of.

Because when I’m not prancing around in creeks in a pretty dress, making my husband take photos for my website, I’m helping women with infertility ACTUALLY learn how to manage their mindset and their emotions, heal their hearts and understand themselves deeply.

And I’m also helping them to boost their fertility dramatically in the process (amazing added side bonus – don’t you think?)

I myself went through a 10 year long journey to conceive my baby boy (and then had 4 miscarriages and breast cancer trying to have number 2) and I’m happy, smiling and trauma free.

And I used all the tools I had studied over the last 20 years to get myself this way.

Including being a Certified Advanced Life Coach, Master NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist as well as Hypnofertilitist.

What’s even better is I added more tools, and refined my processes so well with my clients, that I started seeing many of them fall pregnant within  2-4 months of working with me. In fact, 71% of my clients got pregnant last year.

(Even though I personally think just wanting to feel better is enough to learn this stuff.)

Now I teach an in-depth Mind-Body Fertility program and provide real-time support for those in the program using my unique blend of very practical tools and natural intuition.

Some Client Testimonials:

Thank you so much Bella, you have completely changed my life.

i never imagined I would benefit so much from the program.

You came into my life with this program at the exct moement I was compeltely broken and needed it the most, and I will be forever grateful for all you have done for me.

I didn’t realise how much I need you in my life, and I love the person I have become because of you!

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Bella was an incredible support at a very challenging moment in my fertility journey. I would recommend Bella 200%!!!

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Bella is amazing, encouraging and supportive.

She was an amazing support through the toughest times of my life.

I know have a totally changed outlook and mindset. I couldn’t be more grateful and appreciative I met her!

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