Baby Panic!

Simple Ways of Gaining Control of TTC By Letting Go.

It took me 10 years to conceive my baby before I stopped ignoring my intuition, threw out the rule book and approached my fertility differently.

I found my peace and happiness BEFORE I conceived and today I want to share with you the simple ways to gain control of your TTC journey by letting go.

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Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Bella Hilton

I’m the person who is here to tell you there is another way to approach your fertility without all the overwhelming heartache.

After struggling for 10 years with unexplained infertility and trying ALL THE THINGS to get pregnant, I threw out the fertility rulebook and used a different approach.

An approach that had me happy, smiling and feeling amazing about life even before I conceived.

My background in Life-Coaching, Neuro-Strategies and Hypnotherapy meant I knew how the mind and body worked together to create real change both mentally and physically.

And now I use this formula every single day with my clients to help them get real results.

I’m host of the well-loved Studio Fertility podcast, and help women all over the world to gain back a sense of themselves, start to feel excited about their lives again and improve their fertility.

Sophie Says...

"Bella was an incredible support at a very challenging moment in my fertility journey. Not only was she a great emotional support but she also showed me the way to lift myself up, to stay hopeful and to decide which options where the most appropriate for us.

Her calm voice, her empathy and kindness were critical to help me manage the emotional part of the journey. I would recommend Bella 200%!!!" (NB: Sophie found out she was pregnant 1 week later!)
Sophie B.
Sydney Australia

Stop Struggling like Karina...

I can highly recommend Bella at Studio Fertility, she is truly amazing at what she does!

When I first met Bella I was really stuck in a rut – I was trying so hard to conceive a baby that with each month that passed unsuccessfully, I felt more and more despondent.

During our sessions together, Bella helped me to turn my fertility journey around so that I am now enjoying my life in the process of trying to fall pregnant.

Bella has taught me to change my negative thinking patterns and to focus on the joy in my life. I now have a totally changed mindset and outlook on life. Most importantly, the emotional support and encouragement she has given to me is wonderful!

I can honestly say that Bella has changed my life for the better and I know that I won’t have any regrets when I look back on my fertility journey!

(Nb: Karina was pregnant 2 months after writing this)
Karina. W.
Adelaide, Australia

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