When I was pregnant and miscarrying my baby, I was terrified that I would never get pregnant again.

My friend told me to “just relax”.

I’d already spent 10 years trying to conceive and this baby was conceived via IVF.

I was at my lowest of lows and emotionally and mentally unwell.

I was literally falling apart...


Let's get real for a moment...

Having fertility challenges can be a miserable and lonely life.

And it’s hard to explain to anyone who hasn’t experienced it that it’s all you can think about because you WANT that precious little baby so much. I mean, you don’t just THINK about it, you EAT, SLEEP and BREATHE it too.

You’ve cut out everything fun from your diet, you don’t go out anymore because you don’t drink alcohol (or beat yourself up if you do), in fact, you aren’t really having any fun at all!

Your life is now about doctor, naturopath, acupuncture appointments and spending hours googling symptoms on forums. You’ve been poked and prodded more times than you care to think about and you are beginning to resent your body and everything around you.

What’s more, it seems so easy for everyone else and you literally see pregnant women EVERYWHERE!

But underneath there somewhere you remember...

– the fun you used to have,

– the friends that were so important to you,

– the husband you were so in love with,

– and the woman that you used to be.

And you are desperate to get yourself back and have started thinking…

There HAS to be a better way!

And there is.

Feeling broken and like your whole life is on hold isn’t fun. And that’s where I come in.

I have helped women all over the globe to transform their lives by actually healing their hearts from trauma, feeling calmer, having more clarity, gaining control of their mental health and emotions, and approaching their fertility differently.

You need a helping hand and I know how to get you feeling more empowered and finding your smile again.

My clients say:

I would recommend Bella 200%!!!

Bella was an incredible support at a very challenging moment in my fertility journey. I was almost a year in and was starting to feel really down and desperate.

Not only was she a great emotional support but she also showed me the way to lift myself up, to stay hopeful and to decide which options where the most appropriate for us.

Her calm voice, her empathy and kindness were critical to help me manage the emotional part of the journey. I would recommend Bella 200%!!! (NB: Sophie found out she was pregnant 1 week later!)
newborn, kid, newburn
Sophie B

Here are some of the reasons that clients come to me for private coaching:

You really need someone to talk to who deeply understands you...

You battle to have someone truly understand what you are going through and the graveness of how you are thinking and feeling. Let alone someone who is able to help you more forward to healing. Not only will I understand your pain, I will know how to help you heal in a way that makes sense to you.

You feel broken inside...

You try to do things that bring you happiness and you used to enjoy but everything is tinged with sadness and you are just not sure how to find any joy in your world again.

You desperately want to feel better and genuinely think more positively...

Your thoughts and emotions are consuming you and you desperately want to think positively and feel better about your life and find some hope in your fertility journey again.

You really need the guidance and can't do this alone anymore...

You just feel so alone and you just aren’t sure what to do anymore.

You feel consumed and overwhelmed...

Fertility challenges start to become a full time job. And google searches and researching and changing your diet and your lifestyle and all the appointment becomes too much. And you start to realise that you cannot think about anything else.

You want to turn over every stone...

You know that mentally, emotionally and spiritually you just don’t feel healthy and you know that your nervous system is currently haywire and you want to set your body up for the best chance.

Imagine this for a moment instead...

Emotional Balance

You learn to let your emotions guide you, to process them fully so you don't carry them around with you and calm down your nervous system to allow your hormones to balance naturally and you feel calm.

Mindset Resilience

You identify and eliminate your emotional triggers, uncover the thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you stuck and feeling low, strengthen your resilience and start to feel empowered.

Remove Resistance

You identify and eliminate all fears, conflicts and resistances and traumas to getting pregnant and to calm down your nervous system to allow your body to prioritise reproduction.

Inner Empowerment and Strength

You build your inner identity and self-worth to rewire your mind and body to work for you, to learn to advocate for yourself and to feel in control.

Ignite Your Intuition

You eliminate the noise around you so you can tap into your intuition and follow the path that is right for you, so you have no regrets.

Here is what Penny had to say...

After 4 unsuccessful IVF rounds and my 42nd birthday looming, I came to the very difficult decision that this may never happen for me.

I was exhausted, had lost nearly all sense of hope and couldn’t put my body or emotions through any more of the roller coaster ride that is IVF.

This is where I came across Bella.

From my first conversation with Bella, I felt completely understood and supported. Bella is compassionate, thoughtful, experienced and insightful.

We worked on subconscious programming that may have been holding me back, not only in my fertility journey, but in my entire life.

After just a month of working with Bella, on my fifth transfer cycle, I became pregnant.

Working with Bella is like having a conversation with a trusted friend. She guides you to heal where you need to, but also challenges you where it’s required. Always in a truly supportive manner.

Her meditations are just beautiful. ​

Penny D.


Private coaching Program WIth Bella

You'll Receive...

Working together is not just about the time we spend on Zoom. You receive ongoing access to me to chat whenever life gets hard as well as amazing tools and resources that will keep you moving forward.

Personal Attention

Every conception journey is unique. 4 times per month for 75 minutes, you will have one-to-one private coaching sessions with me where we truly get to understand your unique situation. These sessions are conducted on Zoom.

Unlimited Access To Bella

When I say I offer real support I mean it. If you are stuck or need support or need something clarified, then we want you to keep moving in-between sessions. I currently chat with clients over text, email, messenger. and phone between sessions.

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The Fertility Shift Program

You will receive full access to my transformational program The Fertility Shift. Full of educational videos, exercises, hypnosis tracks and more.

When I say firepower, you get the works. You will get lifetime access to my online courses (including upgrades) so that you can continue to support yourself where needed.

Personalised Tools For You

Everyone of my clients set of circumstances are different – that’s why I personalise each session.

I know you are busy and so each personalised session and homework piece is to ensure our time together is as effective as possible.

So... why me?

It is no secret. I have the t-shirt for fertility challenges. So I understand from a deep and personal place what you are going through and why you are feeling that way and just how difficult it is.

1. I have formal training, I am a certified Master NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Timeline Therapist, I have my diploma in life-coaching and certified in 3 Keys Hypnofertility.

2. I’ll give you tools for life. The one thing I’ve learnt about life is the challenges don’t stop, but how you handle challenges can greatly change your experience. I’ll teach you how to handle any situation.

3. I know how to work with people in order to get them the best results and get the best out of them.

4. The tools I use aren’t just surface level things like mediation, gratitude journals and affirmations. I work with you on the unconscious level, at the level of your nervous system, where all REAL change happens.

Regardless of what happens, together we will find a way to get you back on track to really enjoying your life again.

Private Coaching Will Give You

Incredible support and guidance to allow you to get results much faster

A deeper understanding of yourself, your mind and how you can actually create lasting change for yourself to support yourself through any challenge in life.

A toolkit of resources that will allow you to change old patterns, improve your fertility and give you a zest for life again.

A feeling of calm and clarity about how to approach your life and fertility journey.

A clear path forwards so that you feel confident in yourself and your fertility.

Your Investment

My one-on-one intensive private coaching program will help you to transform your emotional and mental well-being and naturally get your body back to a more fertile state whether you are trying naturally or through IVF/IUI.

$697/month (USD) or £547(GPB)
x 2 months

2 months of full support

– 8 x 75 minute coaching sessions to really affect change – valued at $3000

– Unlimited access to me via email and messenger to chat when you need it most – valued at $1000

– Weekly homework and pre-recorded videos to keep you moving fast between sessions – valued at $1000

– Access to my signature program The Fertility Shift, which includes bonus videos and hypnosis library – valued at $597

Total value of over $5500+

What my gorgeous clients say:

You are an angel and saved me at a time I didn't know how much more I could take and how to change it.

I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate you and that you have helped save my soul from despair.
Louise T.
So, I just went through the first module, and it was amazing!!! Balm for my soul. Thank you so much, Bella.
Bella, good news! I am pregnant! Thank you so much for your support in getting here.
Melody E.
Bella was an incredible support at a very challenging moment in my fertility journey. I would recommend Bella 200%!!!
(NB. Sophie was pregnant 1 week after writing this)
Sophie B.
“I still feel incredibly lucky I found Bella. She gave me the tools I needed to get over the pain I had around miscarriages. I enjoyed every session with Bella and can’t recommend her enough.”
Bella is amazing, encouraging and supportive. She was an amazing support through the toughest times of my life. I know have a totally changed outlook and mindset. I couldn't be more grateful and appreciative I met her!
I was 48 years old and had been trying for a baby over many years, including 3 miscarriages. I tried every treatment, coach, book, diet, exercise, advice…I was at the end of my tether. Bella is a lot of more than a coach – she is a truly deep individual who touched my core and enticed me to change at the mature age of 48. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl 4 months before my 50 birthday. Wow, just WOW!
Thank you so much Bella, you have completely changed my life. I never imagined I would benefit so much from the program. You came into my life with this program at the exact moment I was completely broken and needed it the most, and I will be forever grateful for all you have done for me. I didn't realise how much I needed you in my life, and I love the person I have become because of you!
Mel X.
"Bella was such a great support on my fertility journey. After over a year of trying to conceive, I felt like I needed to go beyond trying hard and beyond focusing on the physical aspects. Bella's focus on mindset was exactly what I needed. Working with Bella during this time was so enriching. She has tools and techniques that provide immediate tangible value. The sessions with her were always very friendly and fun, but above all, very tangible that helped me to progress with every meeting."
My clients say:


I can highly recommend Bella at Studio Fertility, she is truly amazing at what she does!

When I first met Bella I was really stuck in a rut – I was trying so hard to conceive a baby that with each month that passed unsuccessfully, I felt more and more despondent.

During our sessions together, Bella helped me to turn my fertility journey around so that I am now enjoying my life in the process of trying to fall pregnant. I have returned to hobbies which I used to love (but stopped doing as life had got in the way) and I even decided to pursue a new career!

Bella has taught me to change my negative thinking patterns and to focus on the joy in my life. I now have a totally changed mindset and outlook on life. Most importantly, the emotional support and encouragement she has given to me is wonderful!

I can honestly say that Bella has changed my life for the better and I know that I won’t have any regrets when I look back on my fertility journey!

(NB: Karina now has her baby and credits it to a hypnosis I wrote for her)
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Karina W

Frequently Asked Questions

I work with women all over the world to help them to feel a whole lot better NOW and to conceive their baby.

I currently have clients in Canada, USA, Australia and Europe. 

I typically work Tues – Thurs from 9am – 2pm BST (London)

Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or through reproductive assisted methods such asn IVF, IUI, ICSI, Ovulation Induction or Egg/Embryo Donor, this private coaching is designed to work alongside the method you are using.

Many of my clients do IVF while they work with me and I myself did IVF to conceive my son.

I’ve even had clients who did IVF and then ended up getting pregnant naturally against the odds.

The program will help you to enhance your fertility as well as cope with the journey and rebuild your life and emotional well-being.

Mind-Body programs have been studied and found to assist people regardless of age, method of trying or years of trying.

The majority of the women that I work range in age from 35-44, however I have worked with women younger and older than this too.

Each persons situation is unique.

Private Coaching will give you a lot of life skills to be able to cope with the fertility journey, find peace on your journey, rebuild your life and self-esteem so you are enjoying your life again as well as enhance your fertility.

Well that would be amazing!

Often I find that women need support during their first 12 weeks of conception too.

Many women I know are equally scared of not getting pregnant as they are of getting pregnant because they fear being anxious in their first trimester waiting for something to go wrong.

This program and these skills will set you up for a happy, healthy pregnancy so you can get on with enjoying every minute of it.

Plus, the things you will learn will set you up to be the best role model and mother a child could ever want.

If you have a question, then I want to answer it.  Book in a call so we can have a chat.

So, if you:

– Are trying to get pregnant and have the dreaded ‘unexplained’ infertility

– Have a diagnosis of a physical condition like PCOS, endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve (or anything else) but believe in the wisdom of your mind and body to go beyond the physical to boost your chances of pregnancy dramatically.

– Are open-minded and willing to be introspective and get curious about yourself, your mind and your journey.

– Can see that your fertility challenges are a platform for personal growth.

– Want to have a better life now and stop the constant misery.

– Take responsibility for your own results, will actually implement the tools, techniques and other things into your life that I have spent years honing and truly WANT to do this journey differently to call in your baby, and

– Know that asking for help is a sign of strength and really want that support from someone who truly knows what it is like

Then join me!

Are You Ready?

If you are committed to doing your fertility journey with more joy, grace and ease, apply now!