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Recent Episodes

All Things Egg Quality with Claire Innes

The exceptional Claire Innes joins me on the podcast today to talk about nutrition and all things EGG QUALITY! And this lady knows her stuff.

She is a great friend of mine and if you think you are struggling with egg quality or just want to make sure that you are doing the right things, then tune into this episode to find out for yourself.

She is exceptionally good at helping people to find their version of healthy without the feeling of sacrifice.

Bella xx

About Claire:

Claire Innes loves nutrition. And will find any reason whatsoever to talk about egg quality and fertility. Known for her ability to get real results, cut through the excuses and be your biggest cheerleader, Claire can take the mystery out of fertility nutrition so you are confident you are doing the right things.

You can find Claire:

Here: And get free stuff! Such as guides for breakfast
Here: on Instagram
And here: In her very supportive facebook group

