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Breaking The Cycle Of Negative Fertility Thinking

Finding faith in amongst all the appointments of infertility that seem to confirm over and over again how hopeless your situation is it can feel impossible to think that you ever could think positively about your situation.

I mean, it’s been going on for years now right?

But you beg to feel better and want to think more positively – to drag yourself out of the black pit of despair.

Well today, I talk about one of the was you can start to break the cycle of negative thinking through the stories that we tell.

I also detail why we tell our stories and what we are REALLY looking for!

Breaking the cycle of negative thinking isn’t a mystery – you just need to know how!

Bella xx

Want more support?

PS. I have incredible offer at the moment for 57% off Black Friday Deal on my new program The Fertility Shift. The offer ends on Dec 3, 2021.

1. Remember if you want daily tips and advice from me (and occasionally some humour) come and hangout with me on Instagram @studiofertility

2. Or you can find out about my Mind Body programs here and how you can work with me.

3. Or download my FREE GUIDE: Fertility Mojo Makeover: 3 Ways to Regain Your Mojo and Surrender to the Journey (Without Giving Up!)

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