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Recent Episodes

Episode 21: The 8 Biggest Mistakes Most People Make on Their Fertility Journey

It’s hard to think that when you have been trying to conceive a baby for so long that you might be doing something that is working against your fertility.

But if you are miserable, desperate and just walk around in a fog most of the time, chances are you are making some of the biggest mistakes you can make.

Remember, true health is not just about supplements and diet. It’s also about being mentally, emotionally and energetically or spiritually healthy.

So today I talk about the BIGGEST mistakes I see people making all the time that actually time and time again make the biggest difference to my clients success.

And the best part is, we have complete control over these things unlike MOST other things on this journey.


Bella xx

PS. I’ve started a Private Facebook Group so we can keep the discussion and support going! If you want to join other like-minded and phenomenal women in the group and have real and constructive conversations about your Fertility, then you can join the group here!

