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Ready To Take Back Control?

Learn how to stop obsessing about getting pregnant so you can feel in control of your emotions, thoughts and life!

Discover 3 ways to living your life with more hope and freedom whilst TTC with this FREE 4 Day Video Series

Recent Episodes

Episode 22: Change Your Focus to You!

We spend so long on the fertility journey diving deep in to Google and getting bogged down with all the thoughts and things that we can do to get pregnant.

Rarely to we take a step back to look at ourselves and improving our own lives as a means to improve our fertility. But this is where the magics lies.

In today’s episode I talk about:

  • Why I don’t set goals for the year and what I do instead
  • What I am doing this year to turn around the craptacularness of 2020
  • Why that is relevant to your and your fertility journey
  • Why constantly focussing on baby stuff keeps us stuck
  • A simple quick exercise to get you headed in the right direction.

And so much more…

PLUS, I also detail my brand new The FREE ULTIMATE FERTILITY MINDSET TOOLKIT. This thing is off the hook amazing – which you can download here!

Stay safe everyone!

Bella xx

