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Recent Episodes

Episode 5: Learning How To Surrender To The Fertility Journey And Let Go Just A Little Bit

Every woman struggling on the fertility journey wants to feel more in control of her emotions, feel more stable, not THINK about her fertility ALL THE TIME, and wants to trust more in the process that her baby is coming to her.

Only, they are also fearful that letting go, even just a little bit, means that they are giving up and will take their eye of the ball and will mean they miss something and they won’t get their baby!

In this episode we will look at surrendering to the fertility journey – even just a little bit!

Plus I totally get personal and share my own journey of EXTREME surrender and how it worked for me and not against me.

This podcast explores:

  • What surrendering means and doesn’t mean
  • Ways that you can surrender, even just a little bit.
  • Why surrendering doesn’t mean not being in charge of your health
  • How our emotions become cyclical in line with our menstrual cycles,
  • How to start to get some happiness back into your life NOW, and
  • Hear my own story of surrender and how I did it.
Plus I leave you with a key question to answer to help you to answer the question of how you may surrender to your journey.


Bella xx

