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Fertility and Age – A Different Perspective

Are you worried about your age and having a baby? Is it making you feel like you are on borrowed time?

Would you do anything to turn back the hands of time OR would you do anything to get your body into peak fertility?  

Because in today’s episode I want to talk about why you don’t need to turn back the hands of time to do this.

As I celebrate my birthday in a few days and turn 45, I wanted to do a podcast about age and why I think we need to worry  less than we do.

In this episode I talk about:

– the percentage of my clients who fall pregnant (aged 37 – 48)
– why I just can’t buy into the stats that most women are given through fertility clinics
– why the studies support a mind-body approach to fertility
– how to empower yourself on this journey, no matter how old you are
– how to find strength in your age, rather than have it work against you


Bella xx

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