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How to Cope When People Ask About Your Baby Plans

It’s a problem for infertile couples that isn’t going to go away any time soon.

Those pesky questions about your baby plans. When are you going to have them? When are you going to have more?

But for someone going through infertility, those questions can be a great source of pain and most of the time you don’t want to lie but you don’t know how to answer the question and still feel authentic…

…AND not tell every person that asks your story.

Well today I talk about the holidays, learning to have authentic conversations with others that leave you with your integrity and why it’s just SO hard when someone asks those questions.

Bella xx

Want more support?

1. Remember if you want daily tips and advice from me (and occasionally some humour) come and hangout with me on Instagram @studiofertility

2. Or you can find out about my Mind Body programs here and how you can work with me.

3. Or download my FREE GUIDE: Fertility Mojo Makeover: 3 Ways to Regain Your Mojo and Surrender to the Journey (Without Giving Up!)

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