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Recent Episodes

Shame, Guilt And Infertility

If being diagnosed with infertility weren’t bad enough and battling through the long journey to conceiving, what often comes with it is a serious sense of shame and guilt.

I spent many a waking moment blaming my teenage dieting antics for my problems. Because I know during those years, I had pushed my body to its ultimate limits.

The longer a person goes on, the more diagnoses that might be piled on or even the lack of one, it can be guilt and shame around so many things.

From that heavy burden of feeling like it is your fault to that feeling of guilt every time you put something in your mouth that you don’t think you are supposed to.

So today on the podcast, we will talk all about the varying ways that this guilt and shame creep into our fertility journeys and of course, why we do it!

So you may start to heal your heart and lighten your load just a little bit.

Bella xx

