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Recent Episodes

The Truth About Infertility And Being Fat With Nicola Salmon

Did you know that people would much rather lose a limb than be fat?

This is insane! But what is even more insane is that people of all sizes – both big and small that happen to fall on the wrong side of the BMI index are being denied access to treatment and fertility treatments just because of their size.

So today on the podcast, I could think of none other I would rather have on to discuss this topic than the wonderful Nicola Salmon, Fat Positivity Fertility Coach.

I was so sick of my clients being either told to either lose weight or gain weight as some catch-all cry to remedy their situation that I decided it was time to have serious talk about it.

Having been someone of all sizes from what is considered normal to anorexic to now (BMI wise) overweight, I know what it is like to beat up my myself for being ‘FAT’ and for hating my body and thinking “this is the reason I can’t get pregnant”.

So today, with Nicola, we talk about all things infertility and fat and what it actually means for your chances of conception.

This is a must listen episode xx


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1. Remember if you want daily tips and advice from me (and occasionally some humour) come and hangout with me on Instagram here.

2. Or you can find out about my Mind Body programs here and how you can work with me.

3. Or download my FREE GUIDE: Fertility Mojo Makeover: 3 Ways to Regain Your Mojo and Surrender to the Journey (Without Giving Up!)

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Want to Connect with Nicola?

Nicola is a fat-positive fertility coach and author of “Fat and Fertile”. She helps fat folks navigate getting pregnant in a weight-obsessed world and advocates for change in how fat people are treated whilst accessing help with their fertility.

You can find her here:

Instagram: @fatpositivefertility


