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Recent Episodes

Top Tips For Fertility With Doctor and Naturopath, Dr Mary Sawdon

When infertility rears its ugly head and all the traditional western methods are not working we are often left scratching our heads.

There are so many different alternative treatments you can pursue in the name of increasing your fertility that aren’t always supported by the Western Medicine approach. And one of the most popular ones is naturopathy.

So today on the podcast I have invited on Dr Mary Sawdon who is not only a GP originally but now also a Naturopath specialising in Womens’ Health Issues.

On the podcast today we talk about:

  • – How Mary moved from being Doctor to a Naturopath
  • – Why Naturopathy isn’t always supported in Western medicine despite the anecdotal evidence
  • – Mary’s own personal fertility story with PCOS and Endometriosis
  • – The emotional toll of infertility journeys
  • – The key to the naturopathic approach
  • – Why she has to be a detective with her patients
  • – The length of time you should give to naturopathic medicine before considering alternatives
  • – Success clues to keep an eye out for
  • – The 5 top things that she thinks are the most important for your fertility, and
  • – Why it is so important to have emotional support.

It’s jam-packed full of information so I hope you get great value.

Bella xx

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Want to Connect with Mary?

Mary Sawdon is a naturopathic doctor. She is passionate about helping women thrive on their fertility journey; leading them from isolation and overwhelm towards a life of renewed purpose and support.

And you can find her here:



Instagram: @fertilityfundamentals

