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Why Surrendering To The Fertility Journey Doesn’t Come Naturally

Every bit of every message we are taught when we are younger is that if we persevere and make sacrifices now and work hard, sometimes even into the ground, then we will reap the rewards later in life.

It’s all do, do, do.

Then enter a fertility journey and it doesn’t match up. In fact the harder you work the more upset you become, the more your life starts to fall apart.

So today I want to talk about on the podcast why ‘surrendering to the fertility journey doesn’t come naturally’ to us.

And what it is that holds us stuck to let it go just a little bit even for our sanity!

It’s not what you think!

But this episode will get you to see your fertility in a whole new way.

Enjoy xx


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1. Remember if you want daily tips and advice from me (and occasionally some humour) come and hangout with me on Instagram @studiofertility

2. Or you can find out about my Mind Body programs here and how you can work with me.

3. Or download my FREE GUIDE: Fertility Mojo Makeover: 3 Ways to Regain Your Mojo and Surrender to the Journey (Without Giving Up!)

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