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Recent Episodes

Unexplained Infertility: What you need to know from an Embryologist and Fertility Educator

I don’t normally stray from talking about mindset, emotions and energy but today it is my absolute pleasure to welcome an Embryologist and Fertility Educator onto the podcast – Lucy Lines!

After spending so long working as an Embryologist and Fertility Educator, Lucy saw that more needed to be done to help women feel more educated about their fertility.

There were soooo many questions I wanted to ask Lucy and really I only got to a small portion of them but today you will hear about:

  • – The two things that Lucy thinks you should concentrate on when navigating unexplained infertility
  • – Why Lucy thinks  tracking your BBT isn’t always the best thing
  • – How to find out how to cope with the grey area of science and how to know what the right next step is
  • – Why the focus is skewed towards egg health rather than sperm health
  • – Why some women produce more eggs than others and why you shouldn’t focus on anyone’s numbers but your own
  • – Why Lucy thinks we as woman take the blame and why we shouldn’t
  • – Why you shouldn’t focus on the grading of your embryos

It was a really fascinating chat with a really wonderful person.  So I hope you enjoy!

Bella xx

About Lucy

 As a fully qualified and experienced embryologist, Lucy now offers her services through Two Lines Fertility – with her website, blog, courses and, of course, her 1:1 support, Lucy now helps women and couples feel empowered, and more importantly EDUCATED and in control of their fertility, whether they are right at the beginning of considering growing their families, or in the depths of IVF treatment.

You can find Lucy on Instagram here

Check out the Two Lines Fertility Website

About your host Bella

Bella Hilton spent 10 years trying to conceive her baby and knows a thing or two about navigating devastating life circumstances.  As a fully qualified Life Coach and NLP practitioner, Bella knows how to effectively help others to navigate their fertility journey so they can find more peace now and conceive their babies.  She offers 1:1 coaching support.

You can find Bella here on Instagram

Apply to work with Bella here

Sign up for a free Meditation Week here

