Episode 24: How Karina Overcame Her Greatest Challenges to Create a Miracle!

How Karina did singing lessons to get pregnant at 41

This is an episode that I have wanted to do for a long time now because if this doesn’t blow you away and help you to start to believe in the power of your mind-body connection for your fertility journey then nothing will!

This isn’t your typical story of a path to pregnancy, but then very few of my clients have that ‘typical’ pathway.

This is a story of how doing fertility differently changed a life and created a life.

Today you will meet Karina who signed up to coaching with me about 18 months ago and learn from her perspective how she turned her world around used her fertility journey as a platform for personal growth, and how we removed her resistances to conceiving her baby.

She was committed and she wanted to do the journey differently and her story will blow you away. It has highs, it has devastating lows and it has pure magic.

In this episode you will discover:

  • – How important it was for Karina to get her life back
    – Some of the things we dealt with to get Karina feeling great again
    – How simple some of the shifts were that she made that made a HUGE difference
    – The biggest thing that seemed to be holding Karina back from conceiving
    – How all of what we did together, set her up to be the best Mum she can be.

I can’t wait for you to hear this! So get listening!!

Enjoy xx


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